Our Projects

In order to achieve our aims and objectives we have the following projects.

PEA Initiative

To put population talks on the front burner of national discourse in Nigeria influencing more data-oriented policy making and driving consciousness of the climate change due to overpopulation and overconsumption.

To encourage sustainability by becoming a leading voice in Africa and beyond, that mirrors how human problems emanate from overpopulation; and creating the much-needed awareness to the extent that more people make informed choices towards having small families.

We are an indigenous Nigerian non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the exponential rate at which our population is growing and advocating for non-coercive population control through family planning and socio-cultural reengineering.

PEA Initiative stands against any form of coercion to achieve its objectives. We firmly believe in the fundamental human rights of people. We therefore engage in public awareness on population issues and help individuals make informed choices about their family size for an improved quality-life and protection of the biodiversity by lesser human activities on the environment.

She Said Campaign Nigeria

Language is a powerful tool for advocacy. In the She Said Campaign, Wikimedia is collaborating with PEA Initiative due to our common interest in promoting gender equity, to train young Nigerians on how to add words and quotes about women’s rights in Igbo language to Wikipedia.

We also go further to translate words, articles and pieces that promote women emancipation and rights into local languages on the Wikimedia platforms.

Wikipedia Igbo is a project aimed at promoting the Igbo language and culture through different Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia.

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